What have I been doing lately? Quite a few things.

I released Wu.js, which is a lazy, functional library that ain't nuthin' ta fuck wit. The Hacker News community responded positively and sent me a bunch of traffic. Then I wrote a guest blog on Wu.js for internet buddy Angus Croll. It's about one of the many Higher Order Functions in the library, wu.autoCurry.

Then, amazingly, I found out that there iswas no Javascript library for the GitHub API, so I started one. Right now the repositories, users, issues, commits, and authentication APIs are implemented. Still need to get down and dirty with objects, gists, and the network. And documentation. For the most part, if you read the GitHub API documentation it is pretty easy to translate directly to my Javascript code. For example,

$ curl http://github.com/api/v2/json/user/show/defunkt
$ curl http://github.com/api/v2/json/repos/show/schacon/grit


gh.user("defunkt").show(function (data) { /*...*/ });
gh.repo("schacon", "grit").show(function (data) { /*...*/ });


At work we finally made the big switch from git-svn to pure git. I have been learning a ton more about git in the week that this has taken place. Its amazing how large the differences between my own personal projects' and our team at work's use of git are. Not in a bad way, though; it has been really educational.

Originally, we were trying to host our repositories via gitosis, but gitosis got in our way. It did too much, at the expense of flexibility. I ended up writing a couple little bash scripts and a post-receive hook that together handle all of our needs for git hosting. The project is named mini-meta-git, and is on GitHub. I will quote myself from the README, to give you an idea of what functionality mini-meta-git provides:

Basically, all this adds on top of a normal git server is authentication (NOT authorization or permissions) via the mini-meta-admin repo, which is just a repo containing ssh public keys. It let's you take care of the rest without getting in your way.

Really simple, but that's all I want.

A couple months ago I gave a presentation to the Whatcom Python Users' group on class-based views and Django. Since then, the generic, class-based views thread on the Django-developers mailing list has been buzzing. Django 1.3 is the target. No one can seem to agree on what the best implementation would be, but Ben Firshman wrote a bunch of code at the DjangoConEU sprints, and I modified it to use the __new__ approach, rather than make a copy of self. The verdict is still out on which way this will end up going.

And speaking of Django, I released version 0.3.2 of my semi-port of a small subset of the Django Templating Language to Javascript, Tempest. The new release exposes a couple handy ex-private functions to developers. It should make developing custom tags a lot easier. Also, this was the first time I used the Google Closure Compiler on Tempest, so the minified version has quite a smaller footprint than the ones before it. Thanks to GroteBozeWolf for getting on my case about this and making sure I took care of this.

And last but not least, as you can probably tell if you aren't reading this from your feed reader, I spent all day today redesigning this site. I am no CSS master, but Blueprint CSS framework is a lot of help.

That's all, over and out.